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Author Index

Co-Located Workshops

ACM SIGKDD Membership

Author Index

Jacobs, Jeff

Information Cartography: Creating Zoomable, Large-Scale Maps of Information (Page 1097)

Jagadish, H. V.

WiseMarket: A New Paradigm for Managing Wisdom of Online Social Users (Page 455)

Jaimes, Alejandro

Automatic Selection of Social Media Responses to News (Page 50)

Jensen, David

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Jha, Madhav

A Space Efficient Streaming Algorithm for Triangle Counting Using the Birthday Paradox (Page 589)

Ji, Heng

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Jiang, Huijing

Robust Sparse Estimation of Multiresponse Regression and Inverse Covariance Matrix via the L2 Distance (Page 293)

Jiang, Yexi

FIU-Miner: A Fast, Integrated, and User-Friendly System for Data Mining in Distributed Environment (Page 1506)

Jie, Luo

A Unified Search Federation System Based on Online User Feedback (Page 1195)

Jin, Fang

Forex-Foreteller: Currency Trend Modeling Using News Articles (Page 1470)

Jin, Shifei

Cascading Outbreak Prediction in Networks: A Data-Driven Approach (Page 901)

Joachims, Thorsten

Beyond Myopic Inference in Big Data Pipelines (Page 86)

Multi-Space Probabilistic Sequence Modeling (Page 865)

Joglekar, Manas

Evaluating the Crowd with Confidence (Page 686)

Johnson, Aaron

Privacy-Preserving Data Exploration in Genome-Wide Association Studies (Page 1079)

Jones, Joshua

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Jordan, Michael I.

A General Bootstrap Performance Diagnostic (Page 419)

Junqueira, Flavio P.

Exploiting User Clicks for Automatic Seed Set Generation for Entity Matching (Page 980)

Kabbur, Santosh

FISM: Factored Item Similarity Models for Top-N Recommender Systems (Page 659)

Kamdem Kengne, Christiane

Efficiently Rewriting Large Multimedia Application Execution Traces with Few Event Sequences (Page 1348)

Kanade, Rucha

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Kao, Anne

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Kapoor, Komal

Measuring Spontaneous Devaluations in User Preferences (Page 1061)

Karamshuk, Dmytro

Geo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-Based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement (Page 793)

Karrer, Brian

Graph Cluster Randomization: Network Exposure to Multiple Universes (Page 329)

Karypis, George

FISM: Factored Item Similarity Models for Top-N Recommender Systems (Page 659)

Kashima, Hisashi

Statistical Quality Estimation for General Crowdsourcing Tasks (Page 554)

Kasneci, Gjergji

SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases (Page 572)

Kaya, Oguz

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Keogh, Eamonn

DTW-D: Time Series Semi-Supervised Learning from a Single Example (Page 383)

Towards Never-Ending Learning from Time Series Streams (Page 874)

Kermany, Einat

Analysis of Advanced Meter Infrastructure Data of Water Consumption in Apartment Buildings (Page 1159)

Kim, Jinha

TurboGraph: A Fast Parallel Graph Engine Handling Billion-Scale Graphs in a Single PC (Page 77)

Kim, Min-Soo

TurboGraph: A Fast Parallel Graph Engine Handling Billion-Scale Graphs in a Single PC (Page 77)

Kim, Younghun

Heat Pump Detection from Coarse Grained Smart Meter Data with Positive and Unlabeled Learning (Page 1330)

Kirk, Cory

Mining for Geographically Disperse Communities in Social Networks by Leveraging Distance Modularity (Page 1402)

Kirshner, Sergey

Learning Mixed Kronecker Product Graph Models with Simulated Method of Moments (Page 1052)

Kishimoto, Akihiro

Succinct Interval-Splitting Tree for Scalable Similarity Search of Compound-Protein Pairs with Property Constraints (Page 176)

Kleinberg, Jon

Graph Cluster Randomization: Network Exposure to Multiple Universes (Page 329)

Kleinberg, Robert

Trace Complexity of Network Inference (Page 491)

Kleiner, Ariel

A General Bootstrap Performance Diagnostic (Page 419)

Kohavi, Ron

Online Controlled Experiments at Large Scale (Page 1168)

Koller, Daphne

The Online Revolution: Education for Everyone (Page 2)

Kong, Deguang

Discriminant Malware Distance Learning on Structural Information for Automated Malware Classification (Page 1357)

Kong, Xiangnan

Multi-Label Classification by Mining Label and Instance Correlations from Heterogeneous Information Networks (Page 614)

Koren, Yehuda

Research Track Program Chairs' Welcome Message

Kostakos, Vassilis

An Online System with End-User Services: Mining Novelty Concepts from TV Broadcast Subtitles (Page 1486)

Kotera, Masaaki

Succinct Interval-Splitting Tree for Scalable Similarity Search of Compound-Protein Pairs with Property Constraints (Page 176)

Koudas, Nick

Information Cascade at Group Scale (Page 401)

Koutra, Danai

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Kranzler, Henry R.

Quadratic Optimization to Identify Highly Heritable Quantitative Traits from Complex Phenotypic Features (Page 811)

Krishnan, Ramayya

Adaptive Collective Routing Using Gaussian Process Dynamic Congestion Models (Page 704)

Kuang, Da

Fast Rank-2 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hierarchical Document Clustering (Page 739)

Kubica, Jeremy

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Kumar, Abhinav

Spotting Opinion Spammers Using Behavioral Footprints (Page 632)

Kumar, Shamanth

Understanding Twitter Data with TweetXplorer (Page 1482)

Kung, Perng-Hwa

Unsupervised Link Prediction Using Aggregative Statistics on Heterogeneous Social Networks (Page 775)

Kuo, Tsung-Ting

Unsupervised Link Prediction Using Aggregative Statistics on Heterogeneous Social Networks (Page 775)

Kutzkov, Konstantin

STRIP: Stream Learning of Influence Probabilities (Page 275)

La Porta, Thomas

Mining Lines in the Sand: On Trajectory Discovery from Untrustworthy Data in Cyber-Physical System (Page 410)

Laclavík, Michal

On Community Detection in Real-World Networks and the Importance of Degree Assortativity (Page 1007)

Lacoste-Julien, Simon

SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases (Page 572)

Lakshmanan, Laks V.S.

KeySee: Supporting Keyword Search on Evolving Events in Social Streams (Page 1478)

The Bang for the Buck: Fair Competitive Viral Marketing From the Host Perspective (Page 928)

Lamkhede, Sudarshan

A Unified Search Federation System Based on Online User Feedback (Page 1195)

Lawrence, Richard D.

Amplifying the Voice of Youth in Africa via Text Analytics (Page 1204)

MI2LS: Multi-Instance Learning from Multiple Information Sources (Page 149)

Lee, Conrad

Link Prediction with Social Vector Clocks (Page 784)

Lee, Jay-Yoon

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Lee, Jeong-Hoon

TurboGraph: A Fast Parallel Graph Engine Handling Billion-Scale Graphs in a Single PC (Page 77)

Lee, Kathy

Real-Time Disease Surveillance Using Twitter Data: Demonstration on Flu and Cancer (Page 1474)

Lee, Mong Li

Making Recommendations from Multiple Domains (Page 892)

Lee, Pei

KeySee: Supporting Keyword Search on Evolving Events in Social Streams (Page 1478)

Lee, Sangyeon

TurboGraph: A Fast Parallel Graph Engine Handling Billion-Scale Graphs in a Single PC (Page 77)

Lee, Wang-Chien

Silence Is Also Evidence: Interpreting Dwell Time for Recommendation from Psychological Perspective (Page 989)

Lei, Kin Hou

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Lei, Ming

FIU-Miner: A Fast, Integrated, and User-Friendly System for Data Mining in Distributed Environment (Page 1506)

LePendu, Paea

Empirical Bayes Model to Combine Signals of Adverse Drug Reactions (Page 1339)

Leskovec, Jure

Information Cartography: Creating Zoomable, Large-Scale Maps of Information (Page 1097)

Leung, Alice

Mining Lines in the Sand: On Trajectory Discovery from Untrustworthy Data in Cyber-Physical System (Page 410)

Leung, Cane Wing-ki

Collaborative Boosting for Activity Classification in Microblogs (Page 482)

Leyton-Brown, Kevin

Auto-WEKA: Combined Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms (Page 847)

Li, Guoliang

Location-Aware Publish/Subscribe (Page 802)

Li, Hongtai

FIU-Miner: A Fast, Integrated, and User-Friendly System for Data Mining in Distributed Environment (Page 1506)

Li, Jie

Predictive Model Performance: Offline and Online Evaluations (Page 1294)

Li, Jingxuan

FIU-Miner: A Fast, Integrated, and User-Friendly System for Data Mining in Distributed Environment (Page 1506)

Li, Lei

FIU-Miner: A Fast, Integrated, and User-Friendly System for Data Mining in Distributed Environment (Page 1506)

iHR: An Online Recruiting System for Xiamen Talent Service Center (Page 1177)

Why People Hate Your App - Making Sense of User Feedback in a Mobile App Store (Page 1276)

Li, Ping

Exact Sparse Recovery with L0 Projections (Page 302)

Li, Qi

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Li, Tao

An Integrated Framework for Optimizing Automatic Monitoring Systems in Large IT Infrastructures (Page 1249)

FIU-Miner: A Fast, Integrated, and User-Friendly System for Data Mining in Distributed Environment (Page 1506)

iHR: An Online Recruiting System for Xiamen Talent Service Center (Page 1177)

Li, Xiaoxiao

SAE: Social Analytic Engine for Large Networks (Page 1502)

Li, Xiaoyi

Multi-Source Deep Learning for Information Trustworthiness Estimation (Page 766)

Li, Yanen

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Li, Yang

Mining Evidences for Named Entity Disambiguation (Page 1070)

Liberty, Edo

Simple and Deterministic Matrix Sketching (Page 581)

Lin, Cindy Xide

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Lin, Hao

SEA: A System for Event Analysis on Chinese Tweets (Page 1498)

Lin, Jialiu

Why People Hate Your App - Making Sense of User Feedback in a Mobile App Store (Page 1276)

Lin, Jimmy

Dynamic Memory Allocation Policies for Postings in Real-Time Twitter Search (Page 1186)

Lin, Shan-Wei

Indexed Block Coordinate Descent for Large-Scale Linear Classification with Limited Memory (Page 248)

Lin, Shou-De

Indexed Block Coordinate Descent for Large-Scale Linear Classification with Limited Memory (Page 248)

Unsupervised Link Prediction Using Aggregative Statistics on Heterogeneous Social Networks (Page 775)

Lin, Shuyang

Extracting Social Events for Learning Better Information Diffusion Models (Page 365)

Lin, Ting-Wei

Indexed Block Coordinate Descent for Large-Scale Linear Classification with Limited Memory (Page 248)

Lin, Wenqing

Efficient Single-Source Shortest Path and Distance Queries on Large Graphs (Page 998)

Lin, Yu-Feng

Mining High Utility Episodes in Complex Event Sequences (Page 536)

Lin, Yung-Hsiang

Inferring Distant-Time Location in Low-Sampling-Rate Trajectories (Page 1454)

Liu, Bin

Learning Geographical Preferences for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 1043)

Liu, Bing

Spotting Opinion Spammers Using Behavioral Footprints (Page 632)

Liu, Chunyang

Summarizing Probabilistic Frequent Patterns: A Fast Approach (Page 527)

Liu, Dan

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Liu, Debing

SAE: Social Analytic Engine for Large Networks (Page 1502)

Liu, Furui

U-Air: When Urban Air Quality Inference Meets Big Data (Page 1436)

Liu, Hongfu

SEA: A System for Event Analysis on Chinese Tweets (Page 1498)

Liu, Huan

A Tool for Collecting Provenance Data in Social Media (Page 1462)

Connecting Users Across Social Media Sites: A Behavioral-Modeling Approach (Page 41)

Understanding Twitter Data with TweetXplorer (Page 1482)

Liu, Jialu

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Selective Sampling on Graphs for Classification (Page 131)

Liu, Ling

Social Influence Based Clustering of Heterogeneous Information Networks (Page 338)

Liu, Shaobo

Inferring Social Roles and Statuses in Social Networks (Page 695)

Liu, Shixia

Mining Evolutionary Multi-Branch Trees from Text Streams (Page 722)

Liu, Shusen

Psychological Advertising: Exploring User Psychology for Click Prediction in Sponsored Search (Page 563)

Liu, Siyuan

Adaptive Collective Routing Using Gaussian Process Dynamic Congestion Models (Page 704)

Liu, Tie-Yan

Psychological Advertising: Exploring User Psychology for Click Prediction in Sponsored Search (Page 563)

Liu, Wei

A Time-Dependent Enhanced Support Vector Machine for Time Series Regression (Page 946)

Liu, Weiguo

Query Clustering Based on Bid Landscape for Sponsored Search Auction Optimization (Page 1150)

Liu, Yan

Fast Structure Learning in Generalized Stochastic Processes with Latent Factors (Page 284)

Liu, Yichi

LAFT-Explorer: Inferring, Visualizing and Predicting How Your Social Network Expands (Page 1510)

Loaiza-Lemos, Francisco

Exploratory Analysis of Highly Heterogeneous Document Collections (Page 1375)

Lou, Yin

Accurate Intelligible Models with Pairwise Interactions (Page 623)

Lozano, Aurélie C.

Robust Sparse Estimation of Multiresponse Regression and Inverse Covariance Matrix via the L2 Distance (Page 293)

Lu, Chang-Tien

STED: Semi-Supervised Targeted-Interest Event Detection in Twitter (Page 1466)

Lu, Wei

The Bang for the Buck: Fair Competitive Viral Marketing From the Host Perspective (Page 928)

Lu, Zhaosong

FeaFiner: Biomarker Identification from Medical Data through Feature Generalization and Selection (Page 1034)

Lu, Zhengdong

Collaborative Boosting for Activity Classification in Microblogs (Page 482)

Lucey, Patrick

Assessing Team Strategy Using Spatiotemporal Data (Page 1366)

Luo, Ping

Linking Named Entities in Tweets with Knowledge Base via User Interest Modeling (Page 68)

Silence Is Also Evidence: Interpreting Dwell Time for Recommendation from Psychological Perspective (Page 989)

Luo, Wei

An Integrated Framework for Suicide Risk Prediction (Page 1410)

Ma, Bo

SAE: Social Analytic Engine for Large Networks (Page 1502)

Ma, Zongyang

Who, Where, When and What: Discover Spatio-Temporal Topics for Twitter Users (Page 605)

Machanavajjhala, Ashwin

Entity Resolution for Big Data (Page 1527)

Network Sampling (Page 1528)

Maciejewski, Ross

Understanding Twitter Data with TweetXplorer (Page 1482)

Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia

Who, Where, When and What: Discover Spatio-Temporal Topics for Twitter Users (Page 605)

Maiya, Arun S.

Exploratory Analysis of Highly Heterogeneous Document Collections (Page 1375)

Mamidipalli, Sanjay K.

Heat Pump Detection from Coarse Grained Smart Meter Data with Positive and Unlabeled Learning (Page 1330)

Mamitsuka, Hiroshi

Collaborative Matrix Factorization with Multiple Similarities for Predicting Drug-Target Interactions (Page 1025)

Mannor, Shie

Model Selection in Markovian Processes (Page 374)

Mao, Yi

Density-Based Logistic Regression (Page 140)

Mappus IV, Rudolph L.

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Marty, Raffael

Cyber Security - How Visual Analytics Unlock Insight (Page 1139)

Mascolo, Cecilia

Geo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-Based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement (Page 793)

Matthews, Iain

Assessing Team Strategy Using Spatiotemporal Data (Page 1366)

Mazzawi, Hanna

Analysis of Advanced Meter Infrastructure Data of Water Consumption in Apartment Buildings (Page 1159)

McColl, Robert

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

McMahan, H. Brendan

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Mei, Qiaozhu

One Theme in All Views: Modeling Consensus Topics in Multiple Contexts (Page 5)

Melville, Prem

Amplifying the Voice of Youth in Africa via Text Analytics (Page 1204)

Memory, Alex

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Menczer, Filippo

The Role of Information Diffusion in the Evolution of Social Networks (Page 356)

Mengshoel, Ole

Optimizing Parallel Belief Propagation in Junction Trees Using Regression (Page 757)

Metwally, Ahmed

Scalable All-Pairs Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (Page 829)

Michaelis, Hagai

Analysis of Advanced Meter Infrastructure Data of Water Consumption in Apartment Buildings (Page 1159)

Milios, Evangelos

KeySee: Supporting Keyword Search on Evolving Events in Social Streams (Page 1478)

Mirrokni, Vahab S.

Diversity Maximization Under Matroid Constraints (Page 32)

Mo, Kaixiang

Cross-Task Crowdsourcing (Page 677)

Montgomery, Thomas A.

Experience from Hosting a Corporate Prediction Market: Benefits Beyond the Forecasts (Page 1384)

Moore, Cristopher

Scalable Text and Link Analysis with Mixed-Topic Link Models (Page 473)

Moraal, Paul E.

Experience from Hosting a Corporate Prediction Market: Benefits Beyond the Forecasts (Page 1384)

Morales, Alex

Synthetic Review Spamming and Defense (Page 1088)

Moreno, Sebastian

Learning Mixed Kronecker Product Graph Models with Simulated Method of Moments (Page 1052)

Morstatter, Fred

Understanding Twitter Data with TweetXplorer (Page 1482)

Mu, Yang

Constrained Stochastic Gradient Descent for Large-Scale Least Squares Problem (Page 883)

Mugisha, Moses

Amplifying the Voice of Youth in Africa via Text Analytics (Page 1204)

Mukherjee, Arjun

Spotting Opinion Spammers Using Behavioral Footprints (Page 632)