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Author Index

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Author Index

Faloutsos, Christos

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Why People Hate Your App - Making Sense of User Feedback in a Mobile App Store (Page 1276)

Fan, Wei

An Efficient ADMM Algorithm for Multidimensional Anisotropic Total Variation Regularization Problems (Page 641)

Modeling the Dynamics of Composite Social Networks (Page 937)

Multi-Source Learning with Block-Wise Missing Data for Alzheimer'Ss Disease Prediction (Page 185)

Fang, Zhanpeng

SAE: Social Analytic Engine for Large Networks (Page 1502)

Fei, Hongliang

Heat Pump Detection from Coarse Grained Smart Meter Data with Positive and Unlabeled Learning (Page 1330)

Feng, Jianhua

Location-Aware Publish/Subscribe (Page 802)

Feng, Wei

Combining Latent Factor Model with Location Features for Event-Based Group Recommendation (Page 910)

Feng, Zhuo

A Tool for Collecting Provenance Data in Social Media (Page 1462)

Fern, Alan

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Flammini, Alessandro

The Role of Information Diffusion in the Evolution of Social Networks (Page 356)

Fopa, Leon Constantin

Efficiently Rewriting Large Multimedia Application Execution Traces with Few Event Sequences (Page 1348)

Foulds, James

Stochastic Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Page 446)

Fox, Emily B.

Representing Documents Through Their Readers (Page 14)

Fraboulet, Antoine

When TEDDY Meets GrizzLY: Temporal Dependency Discovery for Triggering Road Deicing Operations (Page 1490)

Frasca, Brian

Online Controlled Experiments at Large Scale (Page 1168)

Friedland, Lisa

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Frieze, Alan

Algorithmic Techniques for Modeling and Mining Large Graphs (AMAzING) (Page 1523)

Fu, Ada Wai-Chee

Redundancy-Aware Maximal Cliques (Page 122)

Fu, Bin

Why People Hate Your App - Making Sense of User Feedback in a Mobile App Store (Page 1276)

Fu, Yanjie

Learning Geographical Preferences for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 1043)

Ganeshapillai, Gartheeban

A Data-Driven Method for In-game Decision Making in MLB: When to Pull a Starting Pitcher (Page 973)

Ganjali, Yashar

Information Cascade at Group Scale (Page 401)

Gao, Jing

Multi-Source Deep Learning for Information Trustworthiness Estimation (Page 766)

Gao, Shi

A Transfer Learning Based Framework of Crowd-Selection on Twitter (Page 1514)

Garcia-Molina, Hector

Evaluating the Crowd with Confidence (Page 686)

Garnett, Roman

Active Search on Graphs (Page 731)

Gaudet, Matthew

Subsampling for Efficient and Effective Unsupervised Outlier Detection Ensembles (Page 428)

Ge, Jing Ge

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Ge, Liang

Multi-Source Deep Learning for Information Trustworthiness Estimation (Page 766)

Gehrke, Johannes

Accurate Intelligible Models with Pairwise Interactions (Page 623)

Beyond Myopic Inference in Big Data Pipelines (Page 86)

Gentzel, Amanda

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Gesher, Ari

Adaptive Adversaries: Building Systems to Fight Fraud and Cyber Intruders (Page 1136)

Getoor, Lise

Scalable Text and Link Analysis with Mixed-Topic Link Models (Page 473)

Entity Resolution for Big Data (Page 1527)

Network Sampling (Page 1528)

Ghahramani, Zoubin

Discovering Latent Influence in Online Social Activities via Shared Cascade Poisson Processes (Page 266)

SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases (Page 572)

Ghani, Rayid

Industry Government Track Program Chairs' Welcome

Targeting and Influencing at Scale: From Presidential Elections to Social Good (Page 1137)

Ghosh, Riddhiman

Spotting Opinion Spammers Using Behavioral Footprints (Page 632)

Gilpin, Sean

Guided Learning for Role Discovery (GLRD): Framework, Algorithms, and Applications (Page 113)

Network Discovery via Constrained Tensor Analysis of fMRI Data (Page 194)

Gionis, Aristides

Denser Than the Densest Subgraph: Extracting Optimal Quasi-Cliques with Quality Guarantees (Page 104)

Learning to Question: Leveraging User Preferences for Shopping Advice (Page 203)

STRIP: Stream Learning of Influence Probabilities (Page 275)

Algorithmic Techniques for Modeling and Mining Large Graphs (AMAzING) (Page 1523)

Golan, Shahar

Approximate Graph Mining with Label Costs (Page 518)

Goldberg, Henry G.

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Gollapudi, Sreenivas

Debiasing Social Wisdom (Page 500)

Golovin, Daniel

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Gonçalves, Bruno

The Role of Information Diffusion in the Evolution of Social Networks (Page 356)

Gopal, Siddharth

Recursive Regularization for Large-Scale Classification with Hierarchical and Graphical Dependencies (Page 257)

Goyal, Amit

The Bang for the Buck: Fair Competitive Viral Marketing From the Host Perspective (Page 928)

Grabarnik, Genady Ya.

An Integrated Framework for Optimizing Automatic Monitoring Systems in Large IT Infrastructures (Page 1249)

Grady, Julian

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Graepel, Thore

SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases (Page 572)

Green, Oded

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Grossman, Robert L.

General Chairs' Welcome Message

Gu, Quanquan

Mining Lines in the Sand: On Trajectory Discovery from Untrustworthy Data in Cyber-Physical System (Page 410)

Selective Sampling on Graphs for Classification (Page 131)

Guestrin, Carlos

Representing Documents Through Their Readers (Page 14)

Gullo, Francesco

Denser Than the Densest Subgraph: Extracting Optimal Quasi-Cliques with Quality Guarantees (Page 104)

Gundecha, Pritam

A Tool for Collecting Provenance Data in Social Media (Page 1462)

Guo, Baining

Mining Evolutionary Multi-Branch Trees from Text Streams (Page 722)

Guo, Baolong

Density-Based Logistic Regression (Page 140)

Guo, Lily

Direct Optimization of Ranking Measures for Learning to Rank Models (Page 856)

Guo, Songtao

JobMiner: A Real-Time System for Mining Job-Related Patterns from Social Media (Page 1450)

Guo, Zhishan

Flexible and Robust Co-Regularized Multi-Domain Graph Clustering (Page 320)

Guttag, John

A Data-Driven Method for In-game Decision Making in MLB: When to Pull a Starting Pitcher (Page 973)

Hacid, Hakim

LAICOS: An Open Source Platform for Personalized Social Web Search (Page 1446)

Hallak, Assaf

Model Selection in Markovian Processes (Page 374)

Hamid, Raffay

Palette Power: Enabling Visual Search Through Colors (Page 1321)

Han, Fangqiu

Mining Evidences for Named Entity Disambiguation (Page 1070)

Han, Jiawei

A Phrase Mining Framework for Recursive Construction of a Topical Hierarchy (Page 437)

AMETHYST: A System for Mining and Exploring Topical Hierarchies of Heterogeneous Data (Page 1458)

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Mining Evidences for Named Entity Disambiguation (Page 1070)

Mining Lines in the Sand: On Trajectory Discovery from Untrustworthy Data in Cyber-Physical System (Page 410)

Selective Sampling on Graphs for Classification (Page 131)

Han, Wook-Shin

TurboGraph: A Fast Parallel Graph Engine Handling Billion-Scale Graphs in a Single PC (Page 77)

Hao, Yuan

Towards Never-Ending Learning from Time Series Streams (Page 874)

Harpaz, Rave

Empirical Bayes Model to Combine Signals of Adverse Drug Reactions (Page 1339)

Harvey, Richard

An Integrated Framework for Suicide Risk Prediction (Page 1410)

He, Jingrui

MI2LS: Multi-Instance Learning from Multiple Information Sources (Page 149)

Heikkinen, Arto

An Online System with End-User Services: Mining Novelty Concepts from TV Broadcast Subtitles (Page 1486)

Herbrich, Ralf

Speeding Up Large-Scale Learning with a Social Prior (Page 650)

Hoang, Minh

Mining Discriminative Subgraphs From Global-State Networks (Page 509)

Hoi, Steven C. H.

Cost-Sensitive Online Active Learning with Application to Malicious URL Detection (Page 919)

Holt, Gary

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Hong, Jason

Why People Hate Your App - Making Sense of User Feedback in a Mobile App Store (Page 1276)

Hong, Wenxing

iHR: An Online Recruiting System for Xiamen Talent Service Center (Page 1177)

Hoogs, Bethany

Financing Lead Triggers: Empowering Sales Reps Through Knowledge Discovery and Fusion (Page 1141)

Hook, Rod

Using Co-Visitation Networks for Detecting Large Scale Online Display Advertising Exchange Fraud (Page 1240)

Hooker, Giles

Accurate Intelligible Models with Pairwise Interactions (Page 623)

Hoos, Holger H.

Auto-WEKA: Combined Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms (Page 847)

Horanont, Teerayut

Modeling and Probabilistic Reasoning of Population Evacuation During Large-Scale Disaster (Page 1231)

Howard, Jeremy

The Business Impact of Deep Learning (Page 1135)

Hrafnkelsson, Arnar Mar

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Hsieh, Hsun-Ping

U-Air: When Urban Air Quality Inference Meets Big Data (Page 1436)

Hsu, Evans

A Unified Search Federation System Based on Online User Feedback (Page 1195)

Hsu, Meichun

Spotting Opinion Spammers Using Behavioral Footprints (Page 632)

Hsu, Wynne

Making Recommendations from Multiple Domains (Page 892)

Hu, Bing

DTW-D: Time Series Semi-Supervised Learning from a Single Example (Page 383)

Towards Never-Ending Learning from Time Series Streams (Page 874)

Hu, Qingbo

Extracting Social Events for Learning Better Information Diffusion Models (Page 365)

Hu, Zhiting

LCARS: A Location-Content-Aware Recommender System (Page 221)

Hua, Ting

STED: Semi-Supervised Targeted-Interest Event Detection in Twitter (Page 1466)

Huang, Daniel

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Huang, Heng

On the Equivalent of Low-Rank Linear Regressions and Linear Discriminant Analysis Based Regressions (Page 1124)

Huang, Xiangru

Trial and Error in Influential Social Networks (Page 1016)

Huang, Yu-Yang

Unsupervised Link Prediction Using Aggregative Statistics on Heterogeneous Social Networks (Page 775)

Hung, Hui-Ju

Maximizing Acceptance Probability for Active Friending in Online Social Networks (Page 713)

Hutchinson, John

Heat Pump Detection from Coarse Grained Smart Meter Data with Positive and Unlabeled Learning (Page 1330)

Hutter, Frank

Auto-WEKA: Combined Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms (Page 847)

Ibrahim, Noha

Efficiently Rewriting Large Multimedia Application Execution Traces with Few Event Sequences (Page 1348)

Ichikawa, Yusuke

Nonparametric Hierarchal Bayesian Modeling in Non-Contractual Heterogeneous Survival Data (Page 668)

Irvine, Jed

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Ishakian, Vatche

Repetition-Aware Content Placement in Navigational Networks (Page 820)

Islam, Shafiqul

Towards Long-Lead Forecasting of Extreme Flood Events: A Data Mining Framework for Precipitation Cluster Precursors Identification (Page 1285)

Iwata, Tomoharu

Discovering Latent Influence in Online Social Activities via Shared Cascade Poisson Processes (Page 266)