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Author Index

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ACM SIGKDD Membership

Author Index

Nagano, Shouichi

Nonparametric Hierarchal Bayesian Modeling in Non-Contractual Heterogeneous Survival Data (Page 668)

Naphade, Milind

Heat Pump Detection from Coarse Grained Smart Meter Data with Positive and Unlabeled Learning (Page 1330)

Narasimhan, Harikrishna

SVMpAUCtight: A New Support Vector Method for Optimizing Partial AUC Based on a Tight Convex Upper Bound (Page 167)

Naveh, Yehuda

Analysis of Advanced Meter Infrastructure Data of Water Consumption in Apartment Buildings (Page 1159)

Nayak, Richi

A Data Mining Driven Risk Profiling Method for Road Asset Management (Page 1267)

Neumann, Chris

Using "Big Data" to Solve "Small Data" Problems (Page 1140)

Neville, Jennifer

Learning Mixed Kronecker Product Graph Models with Simulated Method of Moments (Page 1052)

Newman, David

Text-Based Measures of Document Diversity (Page 23)

Ng, Andrew

The Online Revolution: Education for Everyone (Page 2)

Ng, Wee Siong

A "Semi-Lazy" Approach to Probabilistic Path Prediction in Dynamic Environments (Page 748)

A Privacy Preserving Framework for Managing Vehicle Data in Road Pricing Systems (Page 1427)

Ng, Wilfred

A Transfer Learning Based Framework of Crowd-Selection on Twitter (Page 1514)

Nguyen, Phuong

A Phrase Mining Framework for Recursive Construction of a Topical Hierarchy (Page 437)

Nguyen, Son

AMETHYST: A System for Mining and Exploring Topical Hierarchies of Heterogeneous Data (Page 1458)

Nick, Bobo

Link Prediction with Social Vector Clocks (Page 784)

Nicosia, Vincenzo

Geo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-Based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement (Page 793)

Nie, Feiping

On the Equivalent of Low-Rank Linear Regressions and Linear Discriminant Analysis Based Regressions (Page 1124)

Nie, Lan

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Niemann, Katja

A New Collaborative Filtering Approach for Increasing the Aggregate Diversity of Recommender Systems (Page 955)

Ning, Xia

FISM: Factored Item Similarity Models for Top-N Recommender Systems (Page 659)

Ning, Yuanchi

LAFT-Explorer: Inferring, Visualizing and Predicting How Your Social Network Expands (Page 1510)

Nishimura, Joel

Restreaming Graph Partitioning: Simple Versatile Algorithms for Advanced Balancing (Page 1106)

Nřrvĺg, Kjetil

On Community Detection in Real-World Networks and the Importance of Degree Assortativity (Page 1007)

Noulas, Anastasios

Geo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-Based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement (Page 793)

Oliver, Dean

Assessing Team Strategy Using Spatiotemporal Data (Page 1366)

Ou, Mingdong

Comparing Apples to Oranges: A Scalable Solution with Heterogeneous Hashing (Page 230)

Oza, Nikunj

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Pagh, Rasmus

Fast and Scalable Polynomial Kernels via Explicit Feature Maps (Page 239)

Palla, Konstantina

SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases (Page 572)

Pan, Wenfu

iHR: An Online Recruiting System for Xiamen Talent Service Center (Page 1177)

Panconesi, Alessandro

Trace Complexity of Network Inference (Page 491)

Panigrahy, Rina

Debiasing Social Wisdom (Page 500)

Papadimitriou, Spiros

Mining Data from Mobile Devices: A Survey of Smart Sensing and Analytics (Page 1524)

Parameswaran, Aditya

Evaluating the Crowd with Confidence (Page 686)

Parekh, Rajesh

Industry Practice Expo Chairs' Welcome Message

Park, Haesun

Fast Rank-2 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hierarchical Document Clustering (Page 739)

Park, Kyungyeol

TurboGraph: A Fast Parallel Graph Engine Handling Billion-Scale Graphs in a Single PC (Page 77)

Parthasarathy, Srinivasan

Scalable All-Pairs Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (Page 829)

Peng, Wen-Chih

Inferring Distant-Time Location in Low-Sampling-Rate Trajectories (Page 1454)

Pennacchiotti, Marco

Automatic Selection of Social Media Responses to News (Page 50)

Perlich, Claudia

Scalable Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Using Clustering (Page 1213)

Using Co-Visitation Networks for Detecting Large Scale Online Display Advertising Exchange Fraud (Page 1240)

Perra, Nicola

The Role of Information Diffusion in the Evolution of Social Networks (Page 356)

Pham, Ninh

Fast and Scalable Polynomial Kernels via Explicit Feature Maps (Page 239)

Phillips, Todd

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Phung, Dinh

An Integrated Framework for Suicide Risk Prediction (Page 1410)

Pierce, Robert

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Pinar, Ali

A Space Efficient Streaming Algorithm for Triangle Counting Using the Birthday Paradox (Page 589)

Pinel, Florian

An Integrated Framework for Optimizing Automatic Monitoring Systems in Large IT Infrastructures (Page 1249)

Piramuthu, Robinson

Palette Power: Enabling Visual Search Through Colors (Page 1321)

Plant, Claudia

Massively Parallel Expectation Maximization Using Graphics Processing Units (Page 838)

Plantevit, Marc

When TEDDY Meets GrizzLY: Temporal Dependency Discovery for Triggering Road Deicing Operations (Page 1490)

Póczos, Barnabás

Active Learning and Search on Low-Rank Matrices (Page 212)

Pohlmann, Nils

Online Controlled Experiments at Large Scale (Page 1168)

Popescu, Ana-Maria

Automatic Selection of Social Media Responses to News (Page 50)

Powell, James

Amplifying the Voice of Youth in Africa via Text Analytics (Page 1204)

Provost, Foster

Panel: A Data Scientist's Guide to Making Money from Start-Ups (Page 1445)

Scalable Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Using Clustering (Page 1213)

Using Co-Visitation Networks for Detecting Large Scale Online Display Advertising Exchange Fraud (Page 1240)

Qiang, Ruixin

Trial and Error in Influential Social Networks (Page 1016)

Raeder, Troy

Scalable Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Using Clustering (Page 1213)

Using Co-Visitation Networks for Detecting Large Scale Online Display Advertising Exchange Fraud (Page 1240)

Rakthanmanon, Thanawin

Towards Never-Ending Learning from Time Series Streams (Page 874)

Ramakrishnan, Naren

Forex-Foreteller: Currency Trend Modeling Using News Articles (Page 1470)

STED: Semi-Supervised Targeted-Interest Event Detection in Twitter (Page 1466)

Ramakrishnan, Raghu

Scale-Out Beyond Map-Reduce (Page 1)

Raman, Karthik

Beyond Myopic Inference in Big Data Pipelines (Page 86)

Ranganath, Suhas

A Tool for Collecting Provenance Data in Social Media (Page 1462)

Ranu, Sayan

Mining Discriminative Subgraphs From Global-State Networks (Page 509)

Ratkiewicz, Jacob

The Role of Information Diffusion in the Evolution of Social Networks (Page 356)

Rautiainen, Mika

An Online System with End-User Services: Mining Novelty Concepts from TV Broadcast Subtitles (Page 1486)

Reardon, Matthew

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Reddy, Chandan K.

Big Data Analytics for Healthcare (Page 1525)

Rees, Brad

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Ristanoski, Goce

A Time-Dependent Enhanced Support Vector Machine for Time Series Regression (Page 946)

Robardet, Céline

When TEDDY Meets GrizzLY: Temporal Dependency Discovery for Triggering Road Deicing Operations (Page 1490)

Rolfe, Robert M.

Exploratory Analysis of Highly Heterogeneous Document Collections (Page 1375)

Roos, Patrick

Mining for Geographically Disperse Communities in Social Networks by Leveraging Distance Modularity (Page 1402)

Roth, Dan

Mining Evidences for Named Entity Disambiguation (Page 1070)

Understanding Evolution of Research Themes: A Probabilistic Generative Model for Citations (Page 1115)

Roth, Joe

Assessing Team Strategy Using Spatiotemporal Data (Page 1366)

Rousset, Marie-Christine

Efficiently Rewriting Large Multimedia Application Execution Traces with Few Event Sequences (Page 1348)

Sadeh, Norman

Why People Hate Your App - Making Sense of User Feedback in a Mobile App Store (Page 1276)

Sahu, Sambit

Heat Pump Detection from Coarse Grained Smart Meter Data with Positive and Unlabeled Learning (Page 1330)

Salek, Mahyar

Debiasing Social Wisdom (Page 500)

Sander, Jörg

Subsampling for Efficient and Effective Unsupervised Outlier Detection Ensembles (Page 428)

Santana, Miguel

Efficiently Rewriting Large Multimedia Application Execution Traces with Few Event Sequences (Page 1348)

Sapra, Rochit

A Unified Search Federation System Based on Online User Feedback (Page 1195)

Sapra, Sharad

Amplifying the Voice of Youth in Africa via Text Analytics (Page 1204)

Saraf, Parang

Forex-Foreteller: Currency Trend Modeling Using News Articles (Page 1470)

Sarvanko, Jouni

An Online System with End-User Services: Mining Novelty Concepts from TV Broadcast Subtitles (Page 1486)

Scellato, Salvatore

Geo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-Based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement (Page 793)

Schadt, Eric

Mining the Digital Universe of Data to Develop Personalized Cancer Therapies (Page 1134)

Schifanella, Rossano

The Role of Information Diffusion in the Evolution of Social Networks (Page 356)

Schneider, Jeff

Active Learning and Search on Low-Rank Matrices (Page 212)

Active Search on Graphs (Page 731)

Schrater, Paul

Measuring Spontaneous Devaluations in User Preferences (Page 1061)

Schryver, Jack

Knowledge Discovery from Massive Healthcare Claims Data (Page 1312)

Schwaighofer, Anton

Query Clustering Based on Bid Landscape for Sponsored Search Auction Optimization (Page 1150)

Sculley, D.

Ad Click Prediction: A View from the Trenches (Page 1222)

Scuturici, Vasile-Marian

When TEDDY Meets GrizzLY: Temporal Dependency Discovery for Triggering Road Deicing Operations (Page 1490)

Sekimoto, Yoshihide

Modeling and Probabilistic Reasoning of Population Evacuation During Large-Scale Disaster (Page 1231)

Self, Nathan

Forex-Foreteller: Currency Trend Modeling Using News Articles (Page 1470)

Senator, Ted E.

Detecting Insider Threats in a Real Corporate Database of Computer Usage Activity (Page 1393)

Industry Government Track Program Chairs' Welcome

Sengamedu, Srinivasan H.

Exploiting User Clicks for Automatic Seed Set Generation for Entity Matching (Page 980)

Seshadhri, C.

A Space Efficient Streaming Algorithm for Triangle Counting Using the Birthday Paradox (Page 589)

Sett, Swaraj

Predictive Model Performance: Offline and Online Evaluations (Page 1294)

Shah, Amar

Discovering Latent Influence in Online Social Activities via Shared Cascade Poisson Processes (Page 266)

Shah, Nigam H.

Empirical Bayes Model to Combine Signals of Adverse Drug Reactions (Page 1339)

Shahaf, Dafna

Information Cartography: Creating Zoomable, Large-Scale Maps of Information (Page 1097)

Shakarian, Paulo

Mining for Geographically Disperse Communities in Social Networks by Leveraging Distance Modularity (Page 1402)

Shamy, Moshe

Approximate Graph Mining with Label Costs (Page 518)

Shen, Chao

FIU-Miner: A Fast, Integrated, and User-Friendly System for Data Mining in Distributed Environment (Page 1506)

Shen, Entong

Mining Frequent Graph Patterns with Differential Privacy (Page 545)

Shen, Wei

Linking Named Entities in Tweets with Knowledge Base via User Interest Modeling (Page 68)

Shibasaki, Ryosuke

Modeling and Probabilistic Reasoning of Population Evacuation During Large-Scale Disaster (Page 1231)

Shmatikov, Vitaly

Privacy-Preserving Data Exploration in Genome-Wide Association Studies (Page 1079)

Shwartz, Larisa

An Integrated Framework for Optimizing Automatic Monitoring Systems in Large IT Infrastructures (Page 1249)

Singh, Ambuj

Mining Discriminative Subgraphs From Global-State Networks (Page 509)

Sistla, Deepthi

Risk-O-Meter: An Intelligent Clinical Risk Calculator (Page 1518)

Small, David L.

Towards Long-Lead Forecasting of Extreme Flood Events: A Data Mining Framework for Precipitation Cluster Precursors Identification (Page 1285)

Smola, Alex

The Dataminer’s Guide to Scalable Mixed-Membership and Nonparametric Bayesian Models (Page 1529)

Smyth, Padhraic

Stochastic Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Page 446)

Text-Based Measures of Document Diversity (Page 23)

Song, Helen

A Unified Search Federation System Based on Online User Feedback (Page 1195)

Song, Xuan

Modeling and Probabilistic Reasoning of Population Evacuation During Large-Scale Disaster (Page 1231)

Song, Yangqiu

Collaborative Boosting for Activity Classification in Microblogs (Page 482)

Mining Evolutionary Multi-Branch Trees from Text Streams (Page 722)

Srivastava, Ashok

EventCube: Multi-Dimensional Search and Mining of Structured and Text Data (Page 1494)

Srivastava, Jaideep

Measuring Spontaneous Devaluations in User Preferences (Page 1061)

Srivastava, Nisheeth

Measuring Spontaneous Devaluations in User Preferences (Page 1061)

Štajner, Tadej

Automatic Selection of Social Media Responses to News (Page 50)

Stieg, Paul M.

Experience from Hosting a Corporate Prediction Market: Benefits Beyond the Forecasts (Page 1384)

Stitelman, Ori

Scalable Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Using Clustering (Page 1213)

Using Co-Visitation Networks for Detecting Large Scale Online Display Advertising Exchange Fraud (Page 1240)

Stoica, Ion

A General Bootstrap Performance Diagnostic (Page 419)

Suen, Caroline

Information Cartography: Creating Zoomable, Large-Scale Maps of Information (Page 1097)

Sukthankar, Gita

Multi-Label Relational Neighbor Classification Using Social Context Features (Page 464)

Sukumar, Sreenivas R.

Knowledge Discovery from Massive Healthcare Claims Data (Page 1312)

Sullivan, Patrick F.

Flexible and Robust Co-Regularized Multi-Domain Graph Clustering (Page 320)

Sun, Aixin

Who, Where, When and What: Discover Spatio-Temporal Topics for Twitter Users (Page 605)

Sun, Huan

Synthetic Review Spamming and Defense (Page 1088)

Sun, Jiangwen

Quadratic Optimization to Identify Highly Heritable Quantitative Traits from Complex Phenotypic Features (Page 811)

Sun, Jimeng

Confluence: Conformity Influence in Large Social Networks (Page 347)

FeaFiner: Biomarker Identification from Medical Data through Feature Generalization and Selection (Page 1034)

Big Data Analytics for Healthcare (Page 1525)

Sun, Qian

Robust Principal Component Analysis via Capped Norms (Page 311)

Sun, Yizhou

LCARS: A Location-Content-Aware Recommender System (Page 221)

Sundaresan, Neel

Palette Power: Enabling Visual Search Through Colors (Page 1321)

Sutherland, Dougal J.

Active Learning and Search on Low-Rank Matrices (Page 212)

Swaminathan, Adith

Beyond Myopic Inference in Big Data Pipelines (Page 86)