o    Overview

o    Schedule and Papers

o    Organizers

o    Sponsor

PMML Workshop Proceedings - KDD 2013

PMML Workshop Overview

As Predictive Analytics and Data Mining continue to gain momentum in industry and business applications, open standards like the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) provide an essential platform to share predictive models across vendors and to disseminate model-related information within organizations. PMML is a critical element in the operational application of predictive analytics.

PMML is a mature standard and significantly simplifies the deployment of data mining applications.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at kdd2013_pmml@dmg.org.

Schedule and Papers Return to Top

Workshop Schedule at a Glance

August 11, 2013 Sunday


Welcome and Introductions
Robert Grossman - Open Data Group, University of Chicago, General Co-Chair KDD 2013


The R pmmlTransformations Package
Tridivesh Jena, Alex Guazzelli, Wen-Ching Lin, Michael Zeller - Zementis


PMML in Simulation
Svetlana Levitan, Richard Cohen, Vladimir Shklover - IBM


Extending the PMML Text Model for Text Categorization
Benjamin De Boe, Misha Bouzinier, Dirk Van Hyfte - InterSystems


Augustus 0.6: Design and Implementation of a Hot-Swappable PMML Scoring Engine
Jim Pivarski, Collin Bennett, Robert Grossman - Open Data Group


Application of PMML to Operationalize Thousands of Predictive Models for Retail
Shafi Rahman, Amit Kiran Sowani, Josh Prismon, Andy Flint, Shalini Raghavan - FICO


Coffee break


Pattern: PMML for Cascading and Hadoop
Paco Nathan, Girish Kathalagiri - Concurrent, AgilOne


Extending the Naive Bayes Model Element in PMML: Adding Support for Continuous Input Variables
Alex Guazzelli, Tridivesh Jena, Wen-Ching Lin, Michael Zeller - Zementis


Ensembles and PMML in KNIME
Alexander Fillbrunn, Iris Ada, Thomas R. Gabriel, Michael R. Berthold - KNIME, Universitat Konstanz


Wrap Up and Conclusions
Michael Zeller - Zementis

Organizers Return to Top

Organizing Committee

  • Robert Grossman, Open Data Group and University of Chicago
  • Michael Zeller, Zementis
  • Svetlana Levitan, IBM
  • Walt Wells, Data Mining Group

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