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o    Invited Speaker

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Proceedings of the MDMKDD 2013 Workshop

Workshop Theme: Mining Large-Scale Rich Content in a Networked Society

The Thirteenth International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining (MDMKDD 2013) brings together researchers on the analysis of digital media content and multimedia databases, knowledge engineers, and domain experts from different applied disciplines, and provides a venue for discussing the next-generation techniques and systems in multimedia data mining.

The theme of this edition of the workshop is "mining large-scale rich content in a networked society." Vast amount of multimedia are produced, shared, and accessed everyday in various social platforms. These multimedia objects (images, videos, texts, tags, etc.) represent rich, multifaceted recordings of human behavior in the networked society, which lead to a range of social applications such as, (a) consumer behavior forecasting and social-driven advertising or business, (b) local knowledge discovery (e.g., for tourism or shopping), and (c) detection of emergent news events and trends, and so on. In addition to techniques for mining single media items, all these applications require new methods for discovering robust features and stable relationships among the content of different media modalities and the users, in a dynamic, social-context rich, and likely noisy environment.

Mobile devices with multimedia sensors, such as cameras and geo-location sensors, have further integrated multimedia into people's daily life. New features, algorithms, and applications for mining the multimedia data collected at mobile devices can make these data of multiple modalities (image, video, geo signals, mobile data, etc.) accessible and useful in people’s daily life. Examples of such applications include (a) personal assistant, (b) augmented reality, (c) social applications, (d) entertainment, and so on.

In addition to the research themes mentioned above, this workshop also welcomes submissions on various research topics of multimedia data mining. For more information and the latest updates on the workshop, please visit the website of the workshop.

Schedule Return to Top

Workshop Schedule at a Glance

August 11, 2013 (Sunday)


Opening Remarks

Keynote Speech
Professor Bing Liu (University of Illinois at Chicago)


Coffee break


Technical Paper Presentations


Closing Remarks

Invited Speaker Return to Top

Professor Bing Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago

Table of Contents Return to Top

Full Papers

Who is Repinning? Predicting a Brand's User Interactions using Social Media Retrieval
Shantanu Singh (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)
Yan Wang (Columbia University)
Lei Ding(Intently.io)

Robust Detection of Hyper-local Events from Geotagged Social Media Data
Ke Xie (Rutgers University)
Chaolun Xia (Rutgers University)
Nir Grinberg (Rutgers University)
Raz Schwartz (Rutgers University)
Mor Naaman (Rutgers University)

Towards Social Imagematics: Sentiment Analysis in Social Multimedia
Quanzeng You (University of Rochester)
Jiebo Luo (University of Rochester)

Organizers Return to Top

Organizing Committee

  • Aaron Baughman (IBM)
  • Jiang (John) Gao (Nokia USA)
  • Yu-Ru Lin (University of Pittsburgh)
  • Vincent Oria (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
  • Jia-Yu (Tim) Pan (Google USA)

Program Committee

  • Fatma Bouali (University of Lille2, France)
  • Fei Wang (IBM Research)
  • Florent Masseglia (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
  • Hanghang Tong (City University of New York, City College)
  • Hari Sundaram (Arizona State University)
  • Henning Mueller (University of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland, Sierre)
  • Huan Liu (Arizona State University)
  • Jingrui He (Stevens Institute of Technology)
  • Junfeng Pan (Facebook, Inc.)
  • K. Selcuk Candan (Arizona State University)
  • Kimiaki Shirahama (Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan)
  • Latifur Khan (University of Texas at Dallas)
  • Lei Li (University of California, Berkeley)
  • Lexing Xie (Australian National University, Australia)
  • Maria Luisa Sapino (University of Torino, Italy)
  • Mingtian Zhao (Google, Inc.)
  • Pinar Duygulu-Sahin (Bilkent University, Turkey)
  • Roeland Ordelman (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Shu-Ching Chen (Florida International University)
  • Vasileios Mezaris (CERTH, Greece)
  • Xian-Sheng Hua (Microsoft Research)
  • Xin Chen (Navteq)
  • Yu-Gang Jiang (Fudan University, China)
  • Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang (Binghamton University)
  • Zhu Liu (AT&T Research)

Sponsors Return to Top