


Scoobi provides several traits to help building applications. ScoobiApp brings them all together:

object WordCount extends ScoobiApp {
  def run() {
    val lines = DList(repeat("hello" -> 3, "world" -> 4):_*)

    val frequencies = lines.flatMap(_.split(" "))
      .map(word => (word, 1))
      .combine((a: Int, b: Int) => a + b).materialize


  /** @return a Seq of strings where each key has been duplicated a number of times indicated by the value */
  def repeat(m: (String, Int)*): Seq[String] = m.flatMap { case (k, v) => Seq.fill(v)(k) }

When you extend the ScoobiApp trait:

  • you need to implement the run method with your Scoobi logic

  • if you create an object, you get a main(arguments: Array[String]) method to run your code from the command-line: run-main examples.WordCount

  • you inherit the command-line arguments in a variable named args

  • you inherit an implicit ScoobiConfiguration object, for persisting DLists. The ScoobiConfiguration object encapsulates a Hadoop Configuration object setup with the Hadoop command-line arguments, and is accessible through the configuration variable.


ScoobiApp provides support for passing in Hadoop-configuration and Scoobi-configuration arguments, which are stripped from the command line prior to being made available in the args variable.

The format of the command line is as follows:


where COMMAND-TO-INVOKE-PROGRAM is the invocation needed to run the program, HADOOP-ARGS are optional arguments to configure Hadoop, APPLICATION-ARGS are the arguments to the application itself, and everything else specifies arguments to configure Scoobi. Note that both the Hadoop-configuration and Scoobi-configuration arguments are optional.

A simple example that runs an application mypackage.MyApp using sbt run-main with application arguments input-dir output-dir and without any configuration-level arguments is:

sbt run-main mypackage.MyApp input-dir output-dir

A more complicated example is as follows:

sbt run-main mypackage.MyApp -Dmapred.max.reduce.failures.percent=20 --by-time input-dir output-dir -- scoobi warn.times

This command contains the following sets of arguments:

  1. The arguments -Dmapred.max.reduce.failures.percent=20 are handled by Hadoop. (They allow for 20% of the map or reduce tasks to fail and the job as a whole to still succeed.)
  2. The arguments --by-time input-dir output-dir are passed to the application itself.
  3. The arguments warn.times are handled by Scoobi. (They set the log level to WARN and cause logging of execution time.)

The various sets of arguments are accessible from the ScoobiApp with the following variables:

  1. args: The application arguments.
  2. scoobiArgs: The Scoobi-configuration arguments, split on ".".
  3. commandLineArguments: The entire set of command-line arguments.

Scoobi Configuration Arguments

The following are the possible configuration arguments for Scoobi:

Name Default value Description
verbose true if defined, log statements are displayed
quiet false if defined, log statements are not displayed
times false if defined the total execution time is logged
level info minimum level of statements to log
category .* regular expression. By default everything is logged. Use scoobi to display only Scoobi logs
local false if defined, run the Scoobi job locally
deletelibjars false if defined, remove jars from the libjars directory before uploading them again
nolibjars false if defined, do not upload dependent jars to the libjars directory and include the Scoobi jar in the job jar
useconfdir false if defined, use the configuration files in $HADOOP_HOME/conf (useful when running apps from inside sbt)
keepfiles false if defined, temp files and working directory files are not deleted after the job execution (only for testing)

The list of possible log levels is all, fatal, info, warn, trace, off.

It is also possible to change configuration values by overriding methods in ScoobiApp.


The ScoobiApp trait extends the LibJars trait which provides functionalities to manage dependent jars. More specifically it helps you load all the dependent jars on the cluster before executing your Scoobi job:

  1. the dependent jars are taken from the context classloader and are only loaded if they come from a .ivy2 or .m2 directory (the Hadoop jars are not included). This behavior can be redefined by overriding the jars method

  2. uploadLibJarFiles uploads all the new jars to a directory on the cluster. By default this directory is named libjars (this is declared in the libJarsDirectory method). When you upload the jars, all the dependencies will be added to the mapred.classpath Hadoop configuration variable)

  3. deleteJars can be used to remove all existing jars in the libjars directory if one of your dependencies has changed (but kept the same name)

Here is an example on how to use these methods:

package mypackage

object MyApp extends ScoobiApp {
  def run() {
    // remove the existing jars on the cluster
    // upload the dependencies to the cluster

    // define and execute a Scoobi job
    val lines = ...

If you don't want to use this facility at all, you can override the upload method and set it to false or pass scoobi nolibjars on the command line.


The ScoobiApp trait can be used in 2 different contexts:

  1. with the hadoop jar command

    In that case, hadoop finds the cluster location by either using the configuration files in its conf directory or by using the fs and jt arguments

  2. within sbt

    In that case the cluster location can be either defined by using the useconfdir command line argument to get the configuration files found in $HADOOP_HOME/conf directory
    You can also override the fs and jobTracker methods, and get those values from your own properties file.

Local execution

For testing, it can useful to run Scoobi applications locally only:

  • if you are using the hadoop jar command, you can specify a local configuration by either using the fs/jt arguments
  • if you are using sbt, you can pass the "scoobi local" argument for a local execution


By default, when extending the Hadoop trait, Hadoop and Scoobi logs will be shown in the console at the "INFO" level. However for debugging failed jobs you may want to change the log level or the log categories:

  • show some log levels: run-main mypackage.MyApp [ARGS] -- scoobi warn (you can also override the level method). The log levels are the ones from the Apache commons logging library: ALL, FATAL, INFO, WARN, TRACE

  • show some log categories: run-main mypackage.MyApp [ARGS] -- scoobi warn.(hadoop|scoobi) will only display the log lines where the category matches .*(hadoop|scoobi).*. Note that you can visually separate this regular expression for log categories with brackets to help the reading: run mypackage.MyApp -- scoobi.warn.[(hadoop|scoobi)].times

  • you can additionally show the execution times, locally and on the cluster: run-main mypackage.MyApp -- scoobi times (or override the showTimes method)

  • finally you can combine those flags: run-main mypackage.MyApp [ARGS] -- scoobi warn.times

Note that logs can be turned off by using the 'quiet' argument: run-main mypackage.MyApp [ARGS] -- scoobi quiet (you can also override the quiet method to return true)